Elizabeth Nordquest

Elizabeth Nordquest

Director of Art at Luma Brighter Learning​

Distracted Driving Awareness

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and according to the National Safety Council “at least nine Americans die and 100 are injured in distracted driving crashes.” We hear a lot of talk these days about multi-tasking (dealing with more than…

Caring for Elderly Parents (Or Other Relatives)

Last month we opened a poll on what topics drivers and carriers wanted to learn more about. Suggested topics included: driving on ice and avoiding accidents. Another topic that jumped out was about struggling with difficult situations, specifically caring for older parents. This was the topic that was selected for our March eNugget®.

Setting Goals

It is a new year! Let’s make 2019 the best year yet! If you have set goals in the past and have not met them, we invite you set a goal this year with the support of others. Whether it…

Dealing with Depression over the Holidays

The holidays are here and that means lots of holiday cheer and joy, right? Unfortunately, for most people, the holidays can be a source of stress.  For those suffering from depression, they can be a reminder of lost loved ones,…

Meet Luma (& Improve Your Driver Training!)

Luma will be everywhere next week! If you’re looking for a chance to meet members of the Luma team, we will be attending two conferences November 12–14. Look for Gavin at the Safety, Security & HR National Conference & Exhibition…

Breaking Bad Habits

We all have habits, and in many ways they define who we are as individuals. Some of our habits are good for us and some may not be as beneficial. Some may even be detrimental to our health or welfare.…

The Impact of Sugar in Our Diets on the Road

It is October, which means Halloween is right around the corner. We focused this month’s eNugget driver topic on the impact of sugar in our diets on the road. Sugar impacts our ability to work effectively. What does this mean…