Our new white paper will help you assess the return on investment with training.
Our latest white paper is a follow-up to Luma’s One-Size Orientation Fits All? Our Brain Doesn’t Say So publication. In that publication, Luma’s E2A model was described and guidelines were provided for implementing the model within your organization.
Have you ever asked yourself, what is the return on investment with training? Our new white paper provides a framework for assessing training effectiveness, along with a recap of the Luma E2A Instructional Model. We share specific data which is shows that our model, which is foundational to DRIVE FIRST® eNuggets®, really works!
The white paper includes:
- Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels as a method for evaluating the effectiveness of training before, during, and after
- Luma’s E2A Instructional Model learning principles, shown to improve training
- Real-time data analytics (quantitative and qualitative) to assess effectiveness
- Case studies illustrating how the DRIVE FIRST® eNuggets® platform can help carriers see the results they are looking to achieve