Strategies for Increasing Engagement with Blended Learning: Idea #1

This series is going to provide strategies for using a blended-learning approach with focus around Luma’s E2A Instructional Model and orientation in the trucking industry. This model has been proven to be effective over the past 20 years and is based on Dr. Gina Anderson’s peer reviewed research in the learning field. The E2A model employs three principles of learning that Luma® has found to be critical to learning: engagement, efficiency, and authenticity.
Each lesson will provide a tip in the context of a blended learning model:

Around these model pillars:

And Nugget placed within the context of five categories: Where, When, How, What, and Who.

Let’s get started!

Here’s the Scoop #1

Anything that you would say out loud in a classroom can be
transitioned into an eNugget® with mixed mediums. Learners can refer to this content before, during, or after instruction.

  • Reinforces concepts multiple times
  • Adheres to multiple preferences for learning
Within this context
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