Megan Hensley

Megan Hensley

Working in a Virtual Team: Observations of a Remote Worker

Confession: I am an introvert. I realized this pretty quickly when I took one of those self tests and got to the question about whether I was energized after being in the company of others, or whether I felt drained.…

Domestic violence: where to go from here

As Domestic Violence Awareness month comes to an end, the purple ribbons come down, the public service announcements stop, and we look forward to the upcoming holiday season. While I applaud the efforts in promoting education around domestic violence in…

Child Maltreatment Recognition and Reporting

Luma’s Child Maltreatment Recognition and Reporting program is an essential training on the many aspects of child abuse and neglect. Participants will walk away understanding the unique role the average citizen plays in the system of child protection. We are…