Authenticity Tip #50: Embrace Uniqueness 

In education, the term authenticity is often used to reference the relevance or meaning of instruction and training to learners. Based on half a million drivers in the Luma Brighter Learning platform providing feedback, our original findings are supported as to how authenticity varies between those who create and decide on curriculum and those who consume or interact with the curriculum. Our goal is to provide weekly tips and strategies for building authentic learning experiences that inspire your team members, create a lasting impression, and grow your safety culture. For more information, read Dr. Gina Anderson’s article, Create Instruction That Engages, Inspires, and Elevates Your Safety Culture.

I Love Learning Podcast, EP50: Yvonne Lowery, Human Resources Generalist

Authentic Learning Tip #50: Embrace Uniqueness

Yvonne Lowery is the Human Resources Generalist at Gateway Distribution. Human connection is the number one source to happiness. Yvonne discusses her passion of people and embracing people for who they are for their own uniqueness.

You may think someone is one way based on how they look, but you find their true authenticity by looking at their heart.  Stop, listen, and truly connect in the moment.

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