Integrity in Action with Luma and Idelic
Have you ever considered the integrity of your learning programs?

Integrity in Action with Luma and Idelic
While online asynchronous learning has many benefits, its integrity has been questioned for decades, and rightfully so. Typical points of integrity issues often correlate with:
- Knowledge validation
- Identification validation
- Completion validation
These points no longer have to be questioned. It is time for you to take action!
- Knowledge Validation: How do you know the drivers are not cheating or skimming important knowledge? Forcing adult learners to sit through content does not inherently make them listen or pay attention. Empowering learners to want to learn through lumafy™ strategies and reinforcing content by focused assessments and ongoing assignments are strategies employed at Luma. Moreover, our integration partners at Idelic use Safety Suite® to identify which drivers are at risk of a crash and pinpoint exactly why they’re at risk. From there, fleets can use Safety Suite® to assign their at-risk drivers a training plan using curriculum provided by Luma.
- Identification Validation: Sure, you can track a device’s IP address, but the person behind the screen could be anyone. So, how do you really know that you can trust the integrity of online asynchronous learning? This question need not be asked anymore! Use LumaLens™, the first camera-based authentication process for online driver training. It uses a device’s built-in camera to capture time-stamped pictures of users while completing training, ensuring every training is completed faithfully.
- Completion Validation: Through Luma’s detailed reporting, you can see who took the training with time-stamped images, IP addresses, and replication of the content, plus the assessments and answers of that content at that moment they took the training. No more do you need to worry about the validation of completion. Moreover, with LumaLive™, you can conduct real-time online sessions, along with the online asynchronous content to give you the confidence you need for a blended approach to learning.